Don’t Just Move…RYDE!

RealRyders® at Halifax Yoga from Megin Peake on Vimeo.

The RealRyder® Indoor Cycling bike is like no other indoor bike on the planet.

The unique, patented articulating frame technology lets the rider – any rider, novice to pro – fully engage their body and mind in a one-of-a-kind tactile, dynamic and functional riding experience.

Classes are the same price as yoga packages and memberships and can be used for both yoga and riding!

HY Ryde: Have a better and safer workout

Burn 20-30% more calories with the side-to-side sway of the bike and protect your hip and knee joints while doing so. Low impact, high cardio and LOTS of fun! Feel the Burn!

The RealRyder® Bike mimics the real biking experience far better than any other indoor bike on the market ever has, and you will engage more muscles than you would on a traditional spinning bike!

The following are REQUIRED to take class:

  • A Towel, Water Bottle, Indoor Sneakers and/or Cycling Shoes!
  • A gel seat or Padded shorts is suggested for comfort!
  • You must pre-register for a bike. Please sign up ahead of time online to save your spot! An active pass is required to save a spot.
  • If you are not in the class by the start time, your spot will be released. Late comers will not be admitted into class.
  • For safety reasons, please only attend classes where you can stay for the entire duration of the class, including cool down & stretching.
  • If you are using cycling shoes, please also bring sneakers in case they do not fit the pedals. Bare feet or sock feet will not be permitted.
  • Shoes are not permitted outside of the cycling room.
  • Due to limited space in our classes, pre-registration is required. If you choose to cancel your booking, we kindly ask that you give us at least 4 hours notice and cancel your booking online.

Check out the RealRyder® Indoor Cycle in action!

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