Frequently Asked Questions

*Please note that some policies & services have temporarily changed due to NS Provincial COVID-19 Regulations.*

1. Do I have to bring my own yoga mat and props?

It’s a good idea to have your own mat as it’s more hygienic but if you don’t have one, we do have mats that we rent for $2.00. We ask that you clean it after class with a hygienic mat wipe we provide. We provide all props.

2. Do I have to pre-register for class?

Only for classes that are run in 6 or 8 session series such as Intro to Yoga, Prenatal and Mom & Baby. Please allow time to fill out our new client form and register at the front desk.

3. Do I need to bring water and a towel?

Yes, especially if you’re coming to a heated class. We also sell bottled water and coconut water.

4. What do I wear?

Yoga is practiced in bare feet, and in comfortable clothing. The recommended clothing depends on how strenuous the class is and the temperature of the room. In general, we suggest wearing something you can move comfortably in. Tight, light, and fitted clothes are preferable for any of the classes in the hot room.

5. Do you have showers?


6. How many times a week should I practice?

A daily practice is ideal but not accessible to all of us. We recommend a minimum of one class per week. Any yoga is better than no yoga! It has been proven that transformation will occur more rapidly if you can sustain a regular practice.

7. What is Om?

The sound of Om represents everything. The material world of the waking state is symbolized by the large lower curve. The deep sleep state is represented by the upper left curve. The dream state, lying between the waking state below and the deep sleep state above, emanates from the confluence of the two.

The point and semicircle are separate from the rest and rule the whole. The point represents the turiya state of absolute consciousness. The open semicircle is symbolic of the infinite and the fact that the meaning of the point can not be grasped if one limits oneself to finite thinking.

8. What is Yoga?

“Yoga is the name given to an ancient practice that helps to create a sense of union in all aspects of ourselves; in body, mind and spirit. People have been practicing yoga for thousands of years in order to feel at peace with themselves. Moving your body into poses and exercises is the most commonly known form of yoga. In yoga you will become more aware of your breath and the inner workings of your body and mind. Yoga also helps you become healthier and happier by circulating vital life energy through all your body systems.”

(Source: “KISS Guide to Yoga”, Shakta Kaur Khalsa)

9. What are the Eight Limbs of yoga?

Approximately 200 years AD, a physician-sage named Patanjali divided the science of yoga in 8 basic beliefs.

Yamas – The Yamas or restraints (Dont’s) are divided into five moral injunctions, aimed at destroying the lower nature. They should all be practiced and developed by the letter but also more importantly in the spirit. They should all be practiced in word, thought and deed.

  • Ahimsa – non-violence
  • Satya – truthfulness
  • Brahmacharya – moderation in all things (control of all senses)
  • Asteya – non-stealing
  • Aparigraha – non-graspiness

Niyamas – The Niyamas or observances (Do’s) are also divided into five and complete the ethical precepts started with the Yama. These qualities are:

  • Saucha – purity – this internal and external cleanliness.
  • Santosha – contentment
  • Tapas – austerity
  • Swadhyaya – study of the sacred texts
  • Ishwara Pranidhana which is constantly living with an awareness of the divine Presence (surrender to God’s Will)

Asanas – The Postures

Pranayama – Regulation or control of the breath.

Pratyahara – Withdrawal of the senses in order to still the mind.

Dharana – Concentration. When Dharana is achieved, it leads to the next step:

Dhyana – Meditation is that state of pure thought and absorption in the object of meditation. There is still duality in Dhyana. When mastered Dhyana leads to the last step:

Samadhi – The superconscious state. In Samadhi non-duality or oneness is experienced. This is the deepest and highest state of consciousness where body and mind have been transcended and the Yogi is one with the Self or God.

(Source: “KISS Guide to Yoga”, Shakta Kaur Khalsa)

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