Yoga Life Coaching™

Being Happy is the most important thing in our life, but not always do we know how to get there. With the help of a Life Coach, you can take charge of your life, grow confidence, breakdown barriers and step into what you have always wanted for yourself! It is that simple.

As human beings we can carry unnecessary confusion and stress that create a block or create a “stuck” feeling, asking ourselves “What’s going on with my life?” or “What do I do next?”

What Is Life Coaching?

Life Coaching is based through a powerful 30 min conversation one-on-one in person, skype or over the phone. Your life coach will get to know you, will listen to what you have to say, have no judgement, and will ask you questions that help you lead yourself into solution. Your life coach will help you find where you may be “stuck” and allow space for you to get your life in forward motion, find inspiration and motivation.

Your life coach will encourage you and teach you powerful tools to help your thoughts and feeling process and “make sense” out of them. Your life coach will hold you accountable to the most important person in your life, YOU, so you will get results and step into empowerment.

Life Coaching Steps;

  • You will start off with a 30 minute Intro session to get to know a bit more about you and uncover your roadblock(s) towards fulfillment – getting to the Truth.
  • Continuous sessions as needed where we find out where you where you are, in that exact moment and working through any challenges you may be facing. Continuing towards being ‘unstuck’ with goal setting, journaling, and homework.
  • Email support between sessions and a follow up after each visit with notes from the discussion and homework reminders.
  • Wrapping up with one 60 minute session where we review the process and develop your personal blueprint to keep you moving forward

When you;

  • Need a gentle and loving “kick in the asana” to get you started
  • Are tired of struggling and going through the vicious cycle – Story you are creating
  • Want to truly feel happy on the inside about what you are doing on the outside
  • Want purpose, get inspired and feel empowered
  • Really want to live the life you are meant to live

Contact us at 902.406.9642 or to find out more or get connected with a Certified Yoga Life Coach!

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