Kim Purchase
Kim began her yoga journey in 2012. One of her best friends had started practicing and she recommended trying it out. She took her first class at Bikram Yoga Halifax and fell in love with yoga very quickly. Since then, she has made landing on her mat one of her top priorities.
After the first year of consistent practice she quit smoking, overcame negative body image issues, and her anxiety. Her practice has given her a completely new perspective, has taught her to live in the present moment, has heightened her self-awareness and sense of purpose in the world.
Kim had always dreamed of being a yoga teacher so she could share her passion with others but finally took the plunge in 2017/2018 at the Halifax Yoga teacher training lead by Sherry Zak. Kim is now a part of HY’s outreach program and teaches yoga at Laing House, a drop-in centre for youth living with a mood disorder, psychosis and/or anxiety disorder.
While taking her teacher training, she began taking indoor cycling classes at HY and fell in love with yet another form of movement! She loved the great cardio workout she got from it and felt it was a perfect combination with her yoga practice and other sports. In 2018 she took her Indoor Cycling Instructor training with Tracy Estey-Willick and has been teaching indoor cycling classes at HY since then.

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