Sandra Ryan
Sandra is the embodiment of a true yogi. She is valued for her kindness, empathy and knowledge of the body. Her forty plus years of teaching have enabled her to adapt and evolve her classes to meet the needs of her diverse and multi-leveled learners. She is passionate about her practice, her teaching and helping every student find their path.
Sandra’s background includes Fitness Coordinator and trainer at Dalhousie University, YMCA instructor, Chair of the NS Fitness Association and frequent lecturer on Stress and Wellness. She is a certified Yoga and Pilates Instructor with a speciality in Yoga for Scoliosis.
“I love to connect with people and make everyone, from beginner yogi to advanced practitioner, feel respected and welcome in my class. I am truly happiest when I am actively engaged in addressing each individual’s joint and muscular progression and challenges with their yoga practice.”

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