10 Keys for Safe and Successful Weight Loss!

I recently had the joy of taking the workshop “ 10 Keys to Safe and Successful Weight Loss” with Ariel Richards. Ariel is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and has put on many workshops at Halifax Yoga. A few months ago I had participated in her workshop called “ Spring Reboot and Cleanse”. This workshop provided me with great resources and tools to get myself out of the winter sludge I was feeling trapped in. As soon as I heard that Ariel was putting on the “10 Keys to Safe and Successful Weight Loss” workshop, I knew I needed to get in touch with her, do the workshop, and make sure everyone I care about has a chance to do the same.

I am a person who continually struggles with their weight. I tend to follow diets, lose weight, get a taste of something that I love, dive off the wagon for a few months, and then start all over again with a different diet. Time after time I lose weight (generally by depriving myself), realize I cant do this forever, and start slowing eating all of the bad food all over again.

What I love about this workshop is that Ariel outlines how to succeed. She describes the mechanics to losing weight, and reasons we fail. All of the keys she outlines were for me, a huge eye opener. For example; I never eat breakfast, so when I found out that a consistent eating pattern is very important I began to realize the error in my ways. Also, I work a fast paced job that does not always allow for me to stop and eat. Generally I would skip a meal and eat when I could, meaning some days I would eat at 12 pm, other days that would be at 5 pm. What I have now learned is how important it is to get my meals in at the same time so my body has time to metabolize things properly.

I also realized that while I thought I already knew the basics about weight loss this workshop/program went deeper into why I was always failing. Ariel explains the importance of eating whole foods and describes food that will provide a lasting full feeling. She explains how addicting sugar is and ways to avoid it. She also explains endless steps to successful weight loss which are important for everyone who is trying to get the extra pounds off. This program isn’t just for people looking to lose weight, it is also for someone who wants to change their eating habits to something healthier.

I have only used the keys Ariel has discussed for a short time, but since starting this program and following Ariel’s keys to weight loss I have made some significant changes in my life. I have made a graph on excel to chart my weight loss, I have a journal that I write in nightly, I have a food sheet that I carry with me in my day planner to write in when I eat and what I eat, and I have a weight loss buddy that helps me when I am feeling the need to resort back to my old ways.

There are no gimmicks about this, no secrets to this program. Ariel doesn’t push a certain diet, or trend. She provides you with tips and tricks to help you change your lifestyle and become the healthiest you can be not just with your body but also you mind. Ariel outlines how to lose weight and ways to keep it off for good. If you are a person like me who struggles with diets and weight loss, or just a person who needs an extra push to change your diet this program is for you.

Jennifer Toole

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