Topic: halifax yoga

  • Yogi of the Month – Janice Phillips

    After practicing yoga together for a while, my daughter suggested we do Yoga Teacher Training. “It’ll be fun!” she said. I thought of enrolling in previous Yoga Teacher Training’s, and always found excuses. This time there were no excuses…Halifax Yoga was convenient, offered excellent instruction, an incredible community, and a great opportunity for a mother-daughter experience. It was a good fit and my daughter was …

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  • Yoga & Focus – Why Yoga is so good for Mental Health

    Please, welcome our Guest Blogger, Stephanie Osberg from Osberg Health. Stephanie is an active member of our yoga community at Halifax Yoga.

    Yoga’s spiritual tradition and mind-body approach provides a multifaceted tool for improving focus. We explore new asanas when we meet them, testing them, testing us. Practicing builds a relationship between us; learning each pose until we feel it in our fibers. A …

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  • The Art of Tongue Scraping

    When I first started to dive further into the principles of yoga I soon discovered Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga.  Ayurvedic medicine, as practiced in India, is one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world. There are many elements to Ayurvedic medicine and people study for years to become experts.
    Much of Ayurveda fascinates me, and there is so much information available …

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  • Podcasts – A Few of Our Favourites!

    There are so many podcasts out there these days, it can be difficult to find the right one for the moment. Podcasts are fantastic to pass the time while commuting, waiting for appointments, to relax with on vacations, and to enjoy while cooking. Simply put, podcasts go where you go. You can stream podcasts, or download them to your device. Even though books are often …

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  • Why You Should You try this Cleanse

    While you are likely eager for a fresh, new approach to healthy eating and weight loss, you may be hesitant to jump into something that feels like yet another diet.
    I don’t blame you!
    There are a lot of programs out there that boast results, but require you to suffer through a painful process.
    With Michelle MacLean’s Release & Renew 7-Day Spring Cleanse, she’s ready …

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  • 5 Ways to Celebrate the Spring Equinox 2018

    In the northern hemisphere, the Spring Equinox occurs on Tuesday, March 20th. It is the date where both day and night are equal in length. Spring is traditionally a time of rebirth, fertility, and balance. Spring brings new energy and balance both in nature and in people. You may be feeling inspired as all the new life begins to awaken in nature around us.

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  • How to Break Your Yoga Break

    Everything in life has its ebbs and flows and your yoga practice is no exception. You are not alone if it has been a while since you have been to your mat. The beauty of yoga is that when you are ready, yoga will meet you where you are. Seane Corn’s advice  is “One aspect of the practice of yoga is that it can increase …

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