Yogi of the Month – Janice Phillips
After practicing yoga together for a while, my daughter suggested we do Yoga Teacher Training. “It’ll be fun!” she said. I thought of enrolling in previous Yoga Teacher Training’s, and always found excuses. This time there were no excuses…Halifax Yoga was convenient, offered excellent instruction, an incredible community, and a great opportunity for a mother-daughter experience. It was a good fit and my daughter was right, it was fun (at times).

I went into Yoga Teacher Training expecting the weekends to be spent in poses for four hours a day and the rest of the time studying the philosophy of yoga. I was intimidated by the thoughts of physically and intellectually demanding weekends. Although a great deal of time is spent learning the asanas and yoga philosophy, the weekends were not as physically demanding as I feared, and they offered so much more than simply physical and intellectual growth. At Halifax Yoga a major component of Yoga Teacher Training is personal growth through self-inquiry and introspection…a lot of introspection!
Halifax Yoga promotes Yoga Teacher Training as an opportunity to “get clear on your goals and purpose…refine your confidence and acquire tools to not only lead a yoga class, also create space for choice with your loved ones, co-workers, community…” Looking back at where I was before Yoga Teacher Training, and where I am now, I can, easily, see where I gained so much of that! My kids have noticed that I am happier, and I don’t yell as much. For me, “learning to create space for loved ones” was the best take-away from Yoga Teacher Training.

Additionally, I was able to experience this from a unique perspective. Not only was I able to see that clarity and confidence blossom in the other Yoga Teacher Training participants, I was able to see it in my daughter. I witnessed so many positive affects of Yoga Teacher Training impact her life. As a mom, that was incredible!
I went into Yoga Teacher Training at Halifax Yoga wanting to learn how to lead a yoga class, and I got that. More importantly, I received tools to be a better mother, wife, and friend to others and a friend to myself. Yoga Teacher Training also connected me with an amazing group of people who went through this with me and they became a wonderful group of friends! The Halifax Yoga mentors are incredible…they held us accountable and they were there to listen when needed. Halifax Yoga’s Yoga Teacher Training gave me a safe space to be vulnerable and grow and have fun.
Be Challenged.
Still Your Mind.
Find Community.