Black Bean Brownie Recipe

I was gearing up for a pot luck this week and my task was to bring a dessert. Wanting to provide something that served me and was slightly on the healthier side, I whipped up a batch of these puppies!


Black Bean Brownies

1 can of black beans, drained and rinsed
3 eggs
1 cup coconut sugar
1/4 cup Cocoa
1/3 cup Coconut oil
vegan or dairy free chocolate chips

1) Preheat your oven to 350 degrees

2) Blend all the ingredients together EXCEPT chocolate chips in a food processor or a blender. I personally use a Ninja blender and it does an amazing job, others who use this recipe use their Vita mix and it also blends nicely.

3) Line your pan with parchment paper, OR spray your pan with oil to make it non stick.

4) Empty contents into the pan and sprinkle generously with chocolate chips.

5) place in the oven for 30- 35 minutes

These brownies are so tasty and moist it is hard to believe there are beans in them! They are always a huge hit and children LOVE them!

Happy Eating!


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