40 Days to Personal Revolution
Hello fellow yogi’s!
A lot of people ask me “ how did you get into yoga” I briefly touched on that in my first post on my blog, but what really convinced me yoga was right for me, and what really changed my life was a little program called 40 days to Personal Revolution.
The 40 days to personal revolution is well.. a 40 day commitment you make that leads you into transformation. The program is put on seasonally by the Halifax Yoga Studio, which is my home studio. The program requires you to commit to 4-5 weekly practices in a studio (it can be any studio), 2-3 at home practices, daily meditation, and attend a weekly meeting at the Halifax yoga studio.
The studio practices for me are what really help seal my fate with yoga. The first time I did this program I had just started yoga. I am a person who thrives on being held accountable so what is great about this program is you have paid the money and you have a group of 10-30 people all holding you accountable. I never missed a day of yoga during the 40 days I did this program. Even when Jeremy ( my fiance)and I went to Newfoundland for holidays I still found a studio there, paid the drop in fees and went. I still rarely miss a day.
The home practices and daily mediation for me were the hardest part of this program. I just felt like I didn’t have the time, or I needed someone to guide me through the meditation. Like I say in my blog there are great online resources for guided yoga. Once I found these, I started doing the home practice with Jeremy and this actually convinced him to come to his first studio class with me. There are also great apps on i tunes that help you to meditate ( insight timer is my favourite). To be honest the only ways I could get the meditation done was to sit in my car before yoga class, show up to my yoga class early or stay late to get my mediation in.
The weekly meetings for me are the most important part, if you were to skip any other part of this program (which I think would be an EPIC mistake) I encourage you to do the weekly meetings. During the weekly meetings you discuss the diet changes you are to follow for the week, the laws to work on for the week, and you really start to dig deep into yourself and do some serious work. Every week builds on the week before especially when it comes to diet. It was my favourite part of the program.
So how did this program change my life you ask?
I think of myself as house. Stay with me on this one:
My house was falling apart, run down, the exterior needed a paint job and overhaul. The foundation of my house was cracked, I didn’t know which end was up or what I wanted in life, I had no ground zero which left me with a large crack. The inside of my house was damaged with holes in it. The rooms in my house, like the spaces in my head, were full of negativity, unloved feelings for myself, and hopelessness. I was a hoarder of emotions and my house was dirty and busting at the seams.
Week by week room by room this program gutted my house. The outside of the house, like my weight was blown off ( I lost 18 lbs), the clutter in my mind was thrown out, the ugly walls were torn down, the dirty walls were cleaned and that crack in the foundation was repaired. The program ended and I was now a house with a solid foundation, but I was still just a shell with studs inside.
So, I took this program for a second time. The second time I took this program I rebuilt my house. I built fresh new rooms in my head with light and positive energy in them, rooms I wasn’t scared to show people. I continued to work on my outside losing another 15 lbs, I rested easy knowing with a solid foundation the rest of my house was something that I can build over time. This program gave me the tools I needed to build my dream home. Beautiful outside and inside.
I am going to say this over and over again people THIS PROGRAM CHANGED MY LIFE. If you can do yourself one thing it is to take the 40 days to personal revolution program.
Invest in yourSELF
Take that to the bank.
xo Jennifer.
Please go check out her work over at www.thebankofjennifer.wordpress.com.
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