Exercising in the Early Hours
We all know the importance of getting to our mat and exercising daily. Despite knowing it is the right thing to do, everyone has their own obstacles. One simple way to remove some of those hurdles is to rise early, and exercise before your brain has time to think of all the reasons you shouldn’t be up and at the studio for 6am!
A few months ago I started going to the 6am spin class Monday mornings. A good friend is the instructor, so I had the extra motivation I needed to give it a try.
I love it.
It starts my week off high energy. I feel fantastic all day long, like dancing in the kitchen, fantastic! The spin class flies by, the music is great, and it is a fantastic workout. Now it is rare I miss a Monday morning spin class.
It got me thinking, why is it so important to exercise at the beginning of our day? And since it is so important, what stops us from rising early and exercising?

One reason we tell ourselves that we can’t get up and head to spin class is that we need the extra sleep. Sadly, a lot of us are not getting the good solid sleep that we need to be at our best. However, scientific studies tell us that daily exercise actually improves our sleep. In one study, researchers found that when elderly people added exercise to their daily routine, it helped improve their sleep. Research has also shown that athletic teenagers report better sleep than their peers who exercise less. A great resource for more on sleep, can be found on The ONE Thing Podcast, Episode 110 that features Shawn Stevenson. If we are seeking the ultimate sleep, exercise is totally key.
Ayurveda (the science of life) also speaks to our internal clock being connected to the rhythms in nature. The first cycle, Kapha begins at 6am to 10am. Waking before sunrise is encouraged, because sleeping in typically makes you more stiff and tired. To be in alignment with the daytime Kapha cycle, you need to include exercise in your morning routine. For more on Ayurveda and exercise, check out this article at Chopra.com.

Alright so now we know to get a better sleep and to be in a natural rhythm it is important to get up early and exercise. I have totally experienced increased mental clarity, focus and energy when I get up for the 6am spin class. When we chose to exercise first, it frees our minds up to focus on other things throughout our day.
One of the things that stands out for me when I get to a 6am class is the sense of accomplishment. The entire day, I am happy knowing I did it! I went to spin! I went to yoga! I created this new day of my life and I started it off amazingly, rather than tossing and turning the morning away in bed!
Getting into the habit of rising early is another topic that I will dive into next time.
Do you get up early to exercise? If not, what would motivate you to start your day off with exercise?
About Raechelle Masuda
Yoga has become an important part of Raechelle’s life, and her practice has helped her grow stronger, more flexible and fearless, both on and off the mat. Raechelle is passionate about her family, writing, being active, reading and adventure. She started out part of Halifax Yoga’s Energy Exchange, then joined HY’s Yoga Teacher Training in the Fall of 2017. She is now the assistant manager at Halifax Yoga and is excited to share her passions and inspirations.
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