February: Ali Sangster

After years of playing basketball and being a lifelong gym rat, I was reluctant to try yoga. I was extremely inflexible and thought that there was no way I’d like an activity that was so quiet, and what I thought would be boring. 7 years ago, my sister dragged me to my first class. I went to one of Sherry’s classes and was pushed in a whole new way, both physically and mentally, not to mention having fun while practicing! I was intrigued and quickly became hooked. Soon after that first class, I gave up my gym membership, something I thought I’d never do, and it became my passion.

The birth of my son 4 years ago became a turning point for me for many reasons and yoga became like medicine for my body, mind and soul. Not long after, I knew that I wanted to give the gift of yoga to other people in hopes they would also be able to find the self-acceptance, compassion, and inner peace that yoga gave me.
After completing the 200HR teacher training at Halifax Yoga, I was beyond excited to also get my Real Ryder Indoor cycling certification. Spinning was the one thing I missed from my gym days so having it at HY was like a dream come true.

As an elementary school teacher, I am fortunate to be able to teach yoga to my grade 3 class on a weekly basis and see first -hand its transformative power. I teach Yin yoga on Friday nights and it is almost as relaxing and nourishing for me as it is for my students. I also teach Spyin on Wednesday nights which is one of my favorite times of the week….loud music, really sweaty and lots of laughs with awesome students. Both of my classes are all levels so please come join me!


~ Ali Sangster

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