How to Break Your Yoga Break

Everything in life has its ebbs and flows and your yoga practice is no exception. You are not alone if it has been a while since you have been to your mat. The beauty of yoga is that when you are ready, yoga will meet you where you are. Seane Corn’s advice  is “One aspect of the practice of yoga is that it can increase our flexibility, you do not need to be flexible to be in a class. Yoga meets you where you are at. If you want to decrease stress then yoga will meet you there, if you are seeking something else it will meet you there too.”

Yoga, at its best, is a practice that you do regularly. However, life has a way of providing many challenges that prevent you from getting to your mat consistently. It may be that you have taken a holiday, had children, a new job or a physical injury. Life’s obstacles are endless, if you allow them to be.

When this happens it is easy to feel frustrated and feel like you are back to square one with your yoga practice. One way to avoid these feelings of frustration is to keep a beginners mindset. Everyone starts somewhere, someplace in time. I once had an instructor for an inversion workshop that demanded we always think like beginners, so that we always looked at yoga and poses with a fresh perspective (for more on the beginner mindset check out this article). Another way to embrace your inner beginner is to take our Introduction to Yoga class, at Halifax Yoga.

In order to find your way back to your mat, it is important to figure out what your reasons were for stopping yoga and consider how things have changed. No matter your reasons, it is possible to return to your mat. By identifying what factors that caused you to stop, you can create attainable goals and those past issues will not interfere with your attempts now.

  • Identify what is motivating you back to your mat
  • Re-spark your past passion for yoga
  • Introduce a friend to yoga (clink here for more on how to create a habit)
  • Practice with your partner
  • Adjust your expectations, allowing for more modification of poses in your practice
  • Set Goals. For example, greeting each morning with sun salutations
  • Attend a weekly studio class. When you go to the same class weekly you will get to know the people around you
  • Find your favourite teacher(s)
  • Take a series of workshops. You will be with like-minded yogis
  • Accept Support. Ask for help to get back to your mat from your partner and your kids.
  • Don’t overthink it. Just Breathe.

Remember yoga is a gift. Sometimes people feel selfish spending time on their mat and not tackling their daily responsibilities or spending time with their loved ones. You have to remember you are better to your loved ones if you take care of yourself emotionally and physically. Your practice will need to remain fluid and flexible to remain a permanent part of your life.

Our studio doors at Halifax Yoga are open for you to return back to your mat.


About Raechelle Masuda

Yoga has become an important part of Raechelle’s life, and her practice has helped her grow stronger, more flexible and fearless, both on and off the mat. Raechelle is passionate about her family, writing, being active, reading and adventure. She started out part of Halifax Yoga’s Energy Exchange, then joined HY’s Yoga Teacher Training in the Fall of 2017. She is now the assistant manager at Halifax Yoga and is excited to share her passions and inspirations.

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