Jo-Leen Saulnier

Hi there my name is Jo-Leen, I am 41 yrs young from Halifax NS

My yoga adventure started just 5 months ago, back in Aug. The history of my yoga experience was attending 1 hot yoga session with my sister 10 years ago. I enjoyed it but never took my practice any further until recently.

I was in a snowboarding accident and broke my wrist into six pieces. During surgery I had six pins and a metal plate to hold my wrist together. I started Physio three months later for four months. I went from doing several sports to zero very quickly, this was playing a negative affect on my physical state as well as my mental state. The positivity I had was diminished, overall feeling like my whole world kind of came to a halt, the things I did……..I couldn’t do anymore and I didn’t know how to fix it.

I would go past HY when my husband would drive me to my doctor and physio appointments daily, I started to notice the studio more and more. I didn’t know much about yoga but I did know it could strengthen me and also help me become less sore. What I didn’t realize was how beneficial yoga was going to actually be for me. Staying home and being isolated made it hard for me to go in, when I finally decided to check it out, I’m happy I did. I was greeted with a smile and warm welcome.

My first class was Rock Steady, my body and mind felt amazingly lighter, like nothing in the world could matter at that moment. So freeing…

I decided to do the 40 day challenge at HY, this challenge has changed my life in such a positive way, a healthy way for me in physically and mentally. I am more aware of myself and what I need for me, to be the best me for others. I love the challenge simply for the challenge, for me it was a test of strength, courage, vulnerability. The experience was amazing, I can’t wait for the next 40 challenge to see where that journey will take me.

I am HAPPY to say that I am able to fully weight bare on my wrist, I barely have any pain, my physical and mental state are great and I have HY yoga staff to thank for this. My hard work of course was what made a huge impact but I couldn’t have done it without them.

My Yoga journey has just started and I am super excited to see where and how far I can take my practice. Halifax Yoga has been a blessing in so many ways for me, I cannot express enough how amazing these people are and how much I love seeing them almost on a daily basis!


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