July: Elise Besler-Harnish

I started teaching as an intern at the studio in February of 2013 and then joined Halifax Yoga as a new instructor upon graduation from the Halifax Yoga 200 Hr YTT program in May of 2013. Before my teaching position at the studio, I worked as a front desk Energy Exchanger for 18 months. It was through this work that I began to feel the support and power of the amazing Halifax Yoga community.

I teach Yin yoga on Tuesday mornings and also sub for my fellow teachers whenever possible. I ran a successful “Sing YOUR song” workshop at Halifax Yoga this past spring – for aspiring singers, this workshop married my love of singing and teaching voice with my favorite yoga community at Halifax Yoga.


I create a cozy environment in my yin classes with soft meditative music which gives my students the chance to let go in the long held postures. There is always plenty of opportunity to modify for injury or comfort of my students, to make their personal practice just as they wish. I love to offer optional juicy assists to my students and my yin classes always finish with a longer savasana in order to receive the deep work that yin postures offer. I feel that out of all of the postures we do during our practice, this is the most important.

I incorporate both pranayama breath work and meditation into my classes and use breath to cue deepening of postures. I believe that breath is fuel for the body and encourage my students to feel the breath going to the deepest places of each posture they hold, yes even the toes! I feel that slowing down and doing the “nothing” that yin yoga allows us to do is healing to the body mind and spirit.

I look forward to welcoming you to Tuesday Morning Yin Yoga. Arrive, Be Still, Stay.

~ Elise Besler-Harnish

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