March: Nicole Clarke

I recall the moment. Over 12 years ago; I was sitting in rush-hour traffic at the Windsor Street Exchange, on my way to work, like I did for hundreds of days before. And I thought “there has to be more to life than this”. I had no idea of what I truly wanted for my life; I just knew the cookie-cutter mold wasn’t it.

nicoledc1Every step I took thereafter led me to exactly where I am now. Yoga found me in February of 2012, when I committed to the 40 Days to Personal Revolution Program, followed by the life-changing YTT program. And then I plugged into my inner badass with the Real Ryder Certification in April of 2013.

A student of yoga; I hold so much respect for this practice. I am forever transformed and to share with you all the ways of how so, well beyond the scope of this article. I will save that one for my blog. ;). Rapid growth!

My passion and gratitude for this practice and all it has taught me about myself and my relationship with the world around me inspires my teaching. My heart’s desire is freedom and the Baptiste lineage represents and fosters that for me.

It is an absolute privilege to hold space for those that choose to show up and do the work. It is such important soulful work.

An early riser; I teach Hot Power at 6:00am on Tuesday mornings and you can find me on the Real Ryder saddle 6:00am Monday and Friday mornings for a 45min Ryde as well as Spyin and Yoga 30/30 Ryde Monday evenings at 7:15pm.

Drop the story about how it is too early and I promise; you will love the space you create to receive your day! Laughter and play and sweat. Who doesn’t want that?!

Get curious. Try something new. Break the mold. Whether you think you can; or you think you can’t; you are right! Every single person is capable.

Halifax Yoga is my soul’s school. My mat is my mirror and the saddle is my swing. Lifelong learning is the goal.

Namaste ~ Nicole Clarke

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