September: Benjamin Shute
I have been doing yoga for just over a year now and couldn’t be happier.
I am from Sackville, Nova Scotia. I love sailing, cooking, nature and life in general. After 2 years at SMU, after still not knowing what I wanted to do, I decided to move to Ottawa for something different. Shortly thereafter, I moved out to Edmonton and got an amazing opportunity to work in the energy business. Then I had to the opportunity to help open up numerous sales offices in Toronto and London, Ontario. I moved home after 5 years to be closer to family and I miss the ocean.
I’ve now been self-employed for almost 10 years and I love…most of it. I now own a construction business and my body takes a beating on a daily basis and I used to find myself tired, sore and lethargic by the end of every week.
I was recommended to look into yin and restorative from two great people, Joanne Seviour and Darlene Stoneman-Clark, as a way to heal and bring balance to my body. I figured why not; I like stretching and I never heard any negative things about yoga. I started going with the intention to commit 100% to it.
I began going Wednesdays to Margot’s hot yin/yang. It was perfect. I sweated and was sore but felt great and the rest of the work week was a breeze. Then I took the Friday yin with Ali, also fantastic, which I religiously go to because I can’t think of a better way to finish up my week than going full relax mode. Many moons later I bought a membership, and I am loving every minute of it. I work so much, but always make time for yoga now.

My whole life I have always lived by the philosophy, to live in service, and the more people you help get what they want out of life, the more you will get what you want out of life. My issue was that I found myself worrying more about others and their problems than my own. Yoga has opened me up to this realization and has let me work it out and take care of myself physically and mentally and I am very grateful and thankful for that. Yoga has helped my life become so much easier and healthier it’s hilarious.
A special note to; Joanne, Darlene, Margot, Kari, Stefanie, Erica and Ali. Thank you sincerely, you have all helped me in one way or another and I really appreciate the support! P.S. I am still terrible at tree pose..bahaha. Namaste!… Namago!
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