• Kate Zsiros

    Kate is a powerful Vinyasa yoga teacher who offers challenge and variation in her class. She welcomes all individuals into the space with accessible options and powerful choice. Come experience Kate on Sundays 9am for Hot Yoga and Music!

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  • My A-HA Discoveries about Kombucha

    I came to learn about the benefits of kombucha about a year ago, after a friend posted a photo on Facebook page of her kombucha tea, raving about how much she loved it. Of course, I had seen bits and pieces about kombucha online and was starting to see it everywhere in stores, but her post prompted me to dig further into what the craze …

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  • Best Yoga Studios in Canada

    Recently, Halifax Yoga was honoured to be chosen as one of the best yoga studios in Canada, by Stylight, in their lifestyle section in celebration of International Yoga Day on June 21 .

    Our studio manager, Laura Gibson was interviewed and shared the following with Stylight readers:
    “get on your mat and have compassion for yourself. The rest will happen organically. There are …

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  • Chaturanga Dandasana

    Chaturanga Dandasana
    A pose, a mirror and an experience often missed.
    “Chaturanga Dandasna”!  We hear it called over and over again in a vinyasa flow practice. What is it that we need to know about this pose that rolls off of the tongue, often with vigor?!
    In sanskrit, Chaturanga Dandasana translates to “four(Chatur) limb(anga) staff (Danda) pose (asana). Often mistaken to mean high and low plank pose encompassed in …

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  • Yoga & Focus – Why Yoga is so good for Mental Health

    Please, welcome our Guest Blogger, Stephanie Osberg from Osberg Health. Stephanie is an active member of our yoga community at Halifax Yoga.

    Yoga’s spiritual tradition and mind-body approach provides a multifaceted tool for improving focus. We explore new asanas when we meet them, testing them, testing us. Practicing builds a relationship between us; learning each pose until we feel it in our fibers. A …

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  • The Art of Tongue Scraping

    When I first started to dive further into the principles of yoga I soon discovered Ayurveda, the sister science to yoga.  Ayurvedic medicine, as practiced in India, is one of the oldest systems of medicine in the world. There are many elements to Ayurvedic medicine and people study for years to become experts.
    Much of Ayurveda fascinates me, and there is so much information available …

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  • Podcasts – A Few of Our Favourites!

    There are so many podcasts out there these days, it can be difficult to find the right one for the moment. Podcasts are fantastic to pass the time while commuting, waiting for appointments, to relax with on vacations, and to enjoy while cooking. Simply put, podcasts go where you go. You can stream podcasts, or download them to your device. Even though books are often …

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  • Meet Kara our new Massage Therapist

    We are very excited to introduce you to our latest member of our wellness team at Halifax Yoga, Kara Boutillier. Now that Kara is settled in, I had the opportunity to interview her to share on the Halifax Yoga Blog.
    How did you become interested in the field of massage?

    I was interested in massage therapy since I was in high school. At …

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  • Earth Day Everyday

    Earth day was on Sunday this past weekend. We hope everyone was able to take some time and celebrate the Earth. It was a gorgeous day here in Halifax, Nova Scotia. It truly felt like a spring day.
    As yogis, we honour the Earth, we speak to being grounded, and Ahimsa. Ahimsa is one of the 5 yamas. Yamas are guidelines for yogis, either ethical, …

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