• Don’t Rush It!

    Transition-change or passage from one state or stage to another
    By definition, it sounds so simple.  Why then do many of us have so much trouble with it?
    As part of my personal work in Halifax Yoga’s Teacher Training Program, I’ve been thinking a lot about transition and my reaction to it, both on my mat and in my life.

    Photo credit: Holly …

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  • Black Bean Brownie Recipe

    I was gearing up for a pot luck this week and my task was to bring a dessert. Wanting to provide something that served me and was slightly on the healthier side, I whipped up a batch of these puppies!

    Black Bean Brownies
    1 can of black beans, drained and rinsed
    3 eggs
    1 cup coconut sugar
    1/4 cup Cocoa
    1/3 cup Coconut oil
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  • Rehydration- The Nuun

    I distinctly remember my first class at Halifax Yoga. After class, Sherry asked me how I made out and how I was feeling. I said to her, soaked in sweat; “ I felt like half way through I just burned out, like my mind was there but my body just couldn’t move”. Sherry handed me an electrolyte tablet and told me to add this to …

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  • RealRyder Indoor Cycling

    I distinctly remember my first class at Halifax Yoga. After class, Sherry asked me how I made out and how I was feeling. I said to her, soaked in sweat; “ I felt like half way through I just burned out, like my mind was there but my body just couldn’t move”. Sherry handed me an electrolyte tablet and told me to add this to …

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  • This is my Thank you Yogi’s!

    I started using drugs when I was 13 and throughout my life I did whatever I could to escape the present. I used drugs and alcohol to get “a feeling” or take away a feeling… I ended up in Prison all across Canada and became an I.V. drug user on the streets as a result. I used narcotics and alcohol for most my life and …

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  • Practice not a Workout

    Every Sunday night, when I am just about to fall asleep, I start to mentally plan for my week ahead. I make a meal plan in my head, I make a workout plan, I think about what blogs to write, what groceries to buy, what my work schedule is like, and how to fit it all in around everything that is going on. It seems …

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  • When the Student is Ready…

    They say when the student is ready the teacher appears. For me, it always seems that when the student is ready the program appears. When I started at the Halifax Yoga studio the teacher training program had just began for the year. I knew it was a special program and month after month when the weekend training would go on, I watched a group of …

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  • 10 Keys for Safe and Successful Weight Loss!

    I recently had the joy of taking the workshop “ 10 Keys to Safe and Successful Weight Loss” with Ariel Richards. Ariel is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and has put on many workshops at Halifax Yoga. A few months ago I had participated in her workshop called “ Spring Reboot and Cleanse”. This workshop provided me with great resources and tools to get myself out …

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