• How is your Comfort Zone Killing You?

    As part of the 40 days to personal revolution program – week 3 you’re asked to step out of your comfort zone. How is your comfort zone killing you? Big question. Lately, I realize this is THE question.
    Ok, so I bought a neti pot. This is big. Really big. One might say, this is outside of my comfort zone. Well, I used it that …

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  • Internal War to Warrior

    For most of my life I felt uncomfortable in my body, lugging around an extra 30 or 40 pounds begrudgingly; believing my body to be a traitor, an inaccurate reflection of who I knew I was. Regardless of how I ate or exercised, the weight wouldn’t budge and I kept offering up an apology for how I looked.
    Somehow I found my way to the …

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  • Don’t Rush It!

    Transition-change or passage from one state or stage to another
    By definition, it sounds so simple.  Why then do many of us have so much trouble with it?
    As part of my personal work in Halifax Yoga’s Teacher Training Program, I’ve been thinking a lot about transition and my reaction to it, both on my mat and in my life.

    Photo credit: Holly …

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  • February: Ali Sangster

    After years of playing basketball and being a lifelong gym rat, I was reluctant to try yoga. I was extremely inflexible and thought that there was no way I’d like an activity that was so quiet, and what I thought would be boring. 7 years ago, my sister dragged me to my first class. I went to one of Sherry’s classes and was pushed in …

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  • Being of Service

    “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

    My name is Jane and I am part of the Halifax Yoga Outreach Program. I have had the privilege of teaching Yoga once a week at Laing House, a peer support organization for youth living with mental illness.
    The minute I walked through the …

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  • Kundalini Yoga: Resistance is Futile

    There was a time when I was new to Kundalini Yoga. I remember my first experiences in class. It was the only yoga class on campus that fit my schedule and so I went every week. I hated it. I had made a choice to do yoga no matter what, but this strange, challenging and uncomfortable yoga filled me with resentment. One day in class …

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  • Deck the halls with a down dog….

    Deck the halls with a down dog, prayer twist or bow pose and you will be on your way to holiday peace!
    What comes to your mind when you think of the Holiday Season? Is it family, friends, turkey dinner, decorating the tree, sitting around the fireplace with all of you loved ones dressed in their very best singing all of those beloved Christmas …

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  • Army Officer to Yoga Teacher…

    Transitioning from a long career as an Army officer to yoga teacher was a major life transition – one which I didn’t plan or ever expected I would make.
    Yoga – not for me….
    As  a hard charging, determined and driven Army Officer; taking a yoga class wasn’t even on my radar screen.  In response to a friend’s request to attend a yoga class, …

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