• My Little Warrior

    Seeing the look of pure joy on my daughter’s face as she moved into each pose was enough….
    My three year old daughter watched my husband and I practice yoga in our living room for her whole life. So it wasn’t much of a surprise when she started mimicking the poses alongside of us. She took great pride in demonstrating poses to us …

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  • Don’t Rush It!

    Transition-change or passage from one state or stage to another
    By definition, it sounds so simple.  Why then do many of us have so much trouble with it?
    As part of my personal work in Halifax Yoga’s Teacher Training Program, I’ve been thinking a lot about transition and my reaction to it, both on my mat and in my life.

    Photo credit: Holly …

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  • Black Bean Brownie Recipe

    I was gearing up for a pot luck this week and my task was to bring a dessert. Wanting to provide something that served me and was slightly on the healthier side, I whipped up a batch of these puppies!

    Black Bean Brownies
    1 can of black beans, drained and rinsed
    3 eggs
    1 cup coconut sugar
    1/4 cup Cocoa
    1/3 cup Coconut oil
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  • Rehydration- The Nuun

    I distinctly remember my first class at Halifax Yoga. After class, Sherry asked me how I made out and how I was feeling. I said to her, soaked in sweat; “ I felt like half way through I just burned out, like my mind was there but my body just couldn’t move”. Sherry handed me an electrolyte tablet and told me to add this to …

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  • RealRyder Indoor Cycling

    I distinctly remember my first class at Halifax Yoga. After class, Sherry asked me how I made out and how I was feeling. I said to her, soaked in sweat; “ I felt like half way through I just burned out, like my mind was there but my body just couldn’t move”. Sherry handed me an electrolyte tablet and told me to add this to …

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  • Practice not a Workout

    Every Sunday night, when I am just about to fall asleep, I start to mentally plan for my week ahead. I make a meal plan in my head, I make a workout plan, I think about what blogs to write, what groceries to buy, what my work schedule is like, and how to fit it all in around everything that is going on. It seems …

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  • Diversity Welcome!

    Welcome to Halifax Yoga,
    A place where diversity is welcomed, where you are not judged by your hair color, your attire, or your sexual preference.
    A place where people will hold space for those who need it, for those who are overcoming obstacles, and for those who are just plain scared.
    A place that offers a community for those in need of community, for those …

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