• 5 Ways to Celebrate the Spring Equinox 2018

    In the northern hemisphere, the Spring Equinox occurs on Tuesday, March 20th. It is the date where both day and night are equal in length. Spring is traditionally a time of rebirth, fertility, and balance. Spring brings new energy and balance both in nature and in people. You may be feeling inspired as all the new life begins to awaken in nature around us.

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  • How to Break Your Yoga Break

    Everything in life has its ebbs and flows and your yoga practice is no exception. You are not alone if it has been a while since you have been to your mat. The beauty of yoga is that when you are ready, yoga will meet you where you are. Seane Corn’s advice  is “One aspect of the practice of yoga is that it can increase …

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  • Living Your Dreams

    What does living your dreams mean to you?
    In yoga we speak to your dharma, when we speak to living your dreams. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, dharma is the basic principles of cosmic or individual existence and conformity to one’s duty and nature.

    Dharma signifies that there is a right way for every person to carry out their life. You can ignore your …

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  • Create a Morning Routine

    Last week, we looked at the importance of exercising early in the day. Creating a morning routine is key to ensuring it happens.

    Fundamental to creating a morning routine is ensuring you have an evening routine that supports it. Getting enough sleep is crucial to your success in the early morning. I know I need 7-8 hours of sleep a night to function at …

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  • February: Lisa Gallant

    Chinese Medicine is a very old medical system, dating back more then 2000 years! Most people know what Acupuncture is, and know it for pain relief. But in actuality it is part of a full medical system called Traditional Chinese Medicine, and treats much much more then just pain.
    My interest and passion in Traditional Chinese Medicine started after soul searching career options years ago. …

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  • ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas at HY!

    ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
    (At Halifax Yoga!)
    ‘ Twas the night before Christmas – and all through HY:
    There were yogis – in poses – in Ocean, and Sky.
    In Earth, the riders (on RealRyders®!) – were spinning away,
    …fitting (Christmas!) Cardio – into their day!
    The props were all tucked – in their cubbyholes – with …

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