• Jo-Leen Saulnier

    Hi there my name is Jo-Leen, I am 41 yrs young from Halifax NS
    My yoga adventure started just 5 months ago, back in Aug. The history of my yoga experience was attending 1 hot yoga session with my sister 10 years ago. I enjoyed it but never took my practice any further until recently.
    I was in a snowboarding accident and broke my wrist …

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  • Holiday Restorative Yoga Poses!

    1. Salamba Balasana: Supported Child’s Pose
    1. Position a bolster (Can you use towels or blanket) flat on an incline (supported by a block in the middle  and a block at the top)
    2. Sit with your knees on either side of the low end of the bolster, resting on your heels. If you have tight feet, place a rolled-up blanket under the tops of …

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  • Effortless

    As a yoga teacher, I spend a lot of time learning about the proper alignment of a poses; where to place you feet, point your toes, which way to rotate your arms and legs. I was taught the “right” alignment of poses. In my own practice, all this knowledge resulted in a mind full of information. When I practiced, the voice in my head …

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  • Paddling & Yoga

    It might be hard to imagine right now, because of the 6 foot tall snow banks, but there is an ocean that needs to be played in. Like a lot of people from Newfoundland, and I am sure Nova Scotians as well, I have a strong connection to the ocean. Three and a half seasons of the year I have my 17 foot sea kayak …

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  • Fixer Upper!

    “I’m on a mission to be my best self.” This is what I told Laura in September 2014 when she asked me why I was interested in the energy exchange program. It was the truth, I had been laid off from a great job and I was in the last year of my twenties. This felt huge, like I needed to make a grand gesture …

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  • February: Lisa Gallant

    Chinese Medicine is a very old medical system, dating back more then 2000 years! Most people know what Acupuncture is, and know it for pain relief. But in actuality it is part of a full medical system called Traditional Chinese Medicine, and treats much much more then just pain.
    My interest and passion in Traditional Chinese Medicine started after soul searching career options years ago. …

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  • ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas at HY!

    ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas
    (At Halifax Yoga!)
    ‘ Twas the night before Christmas – and all through HY:
    There were yogis – in poses – in Ocean, and Sky.
    In Earth, the riders (on RealRyders®!) – were spinning away,
    …fitting (Christmas!) Cardio – into their day!
    The props were all tucked – in their cubbyholes – with …

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  • Inner Listening: The Hole in my Pocket

    “Now let’s move into a hip opener. Go ahead and take half pigeon on your front body. You know, when you get there, if your first thought is that you want to make another choice and come on your back, it’s not too late, it might not be an easy decision but you can always change your pose; there is nothing which cannot be …

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