• Chaturanga Dandasana

    Chaturanga Dandasana
    A pose, a mirror and an experience often missed.
    “Chaturanga Dandasna”!  We hear it called over and over again in a vinyasa flow practice. What is it that we need to know about this pose that rolls off of the tongue, often with vigor?!
    In sanskrit, Chaturanga Dandasana translates to “four(Chatur) limb(anga) staff (Danda) pose (asana). Often mistaken to mean high and low plank pose encompassed in …

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  • What is Grounding?

    The irony that today I struggled to feel grounded, when I set out to write about being grounded, is not lost on me. The day has been full of sunshine and the earth has been calling out to me. Both before I went into the studio and as I left, I walked by the lake breathing in the fresh spring air. Mid-afternoon I gave up …

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  • Erin Sloan

    I first came to Halifax Yoga last September when I joined the 40 Days to Personal Revolution program. I’d had a little bit of experience with yoga in the past few years, but I’d never regularly attended a studio while living with my parents in Murray Corner, NB. I came across HY and the 40 Days when I knew I was moving back to the …

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  • Being Part of a Yoga Community

    We conclude most yoga classes by bowing our heads and saying together, “Namaste”. Nama means bow, as means I, and te means you. Therefore, Namaste literally means “bow me you” or “I bow to you.” Source. Another meaning of Namaste is “The Light in me, honours the light in you.” Source. By saying Namaste together at the end of class we are establishing a sense …

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  • 5 Ways to Celebrate the Spring Equinox 2018

    In the northern hemisphere, the Spring Equinox occurs on Tuesday, March 20th. It is the date where both day and night are equal in length. Spring is traditionally a time of rebirth, fertility, and balance. Spring brings new energy and balance both in nature and in people. You may be feeling inspired as all the new life begins to awaken in nature around us.

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  • How to Break Your Yoga Break

    Everything in life has its ebbs and flows and your yoga practice is no exception. You are not alone if it has been a while since you have been to your mat. The beauty of yoga is that when you are ready, yoga will meet you where you are. Seane Corn’s advice  is “One aspect of the practice of yoga is that it can increase …

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  • Create a Morning Routine

    Last week, we looked at the importance of exercising early in the day. Creating a morning routine is key to ensuring it happens.

    Fundamental to creating a morning routine is ensuring you have an evening routine that supports it. Getting enough sleep is crucial to your success in the early morning. I know I need 7-8 hours of sleep a night to function at …

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  • Exercising in the Early Hours

    We all know the importance of getting to our mat and exercising daily. Despite knowing it is the right thing to do, everyone has their own obstacles. One simple way to remove some of those hurdles is to rise early, and exercise before your brain has time to think of all the reasons you shouldn’t be up and at the studio for 6am!

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