• Yoga as a Couple!

    Nick and I had moved to Williamswood 3 years ago and after driving past Halifax Yoga everyday, he suggested we check out a class. Nick had been doing yoga off and on for a number of years and I had tried it a couple of times, but I didn’t really enjoy it and figured it wasn’t my thing. I had never been one for going …

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  • Living Life Upside Down!

    I have always strived to be what I thought I should be in life. Whether that was having a job as a lawyer, or being the best mom ever, or looking a certain way, or working out a certain way. It was always about conforming to other people’s expectations. Whether that was my parents, my friends, magazines, society in general. And being a classic Type …

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  • September: Laura Bowdridge

    I knew in my heart over the last 3 years I wanted to teach yoga. Working in the healthcare field I’ve always loved the feeling of making a difference in the well being of others. My love for sports and fitness and my developing yoga practice, this seemed like the perfect fit, but didn’t seem achievable, possible or realistic.
    How could I take …

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  • September: Benjamin Shute

    I have been doing yoga for just over a year now and couldn’t be happier.
    I am from Sackville, Nova Scotia. I love sailing, cooking, nature and life in general. After 2 years at SMU, after still not knowing what I wanted to do, I decided to move to Ottawa for something different. Shortly thereafter, I moved out to Edmonton and …

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  • August: Margot Schelew

    Yoga has been a part of my life for 40 years. I was very lucky to be introduced to yoga by an Indian woman when I was a student at Simon Fraser University. I don’t believe we even had yoga mats back then. We certainly didn’t have special yoga clothes! Transcendental Meditation was also very popular at this time, thanks to the Beatles and …

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  • Here I am! The real ME!

    After the birth of my son over 4 years ago, something shifted for me. This was something I’d desperately wanted for so long…it was supposed to be the most amazing time of my life, yet I knew and felt that something was very wrong and I was ashamed to admit or acknowledge it. Despite the internal struggle and daily turmoil, I continued to …

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